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Basic Etiquette Rules for Incall

While there are numerous rules for how to behave during the booking process and during the actual encounter, few “rules” are ever officially addressed about how a client should conduct himself when he goes to an escort’s incall for some fun. We really do see it all — from the bad to the good. Some have left my bathrooms flooded, floors dirty and furniture broken. When we put our trust in you to come to our working incall for an encounter, you should make a concerted effort to leave it the way you found it and exercise common courtesy that will encourage us to invite you back.

Use these tips to be on your best behavior:

Arrive to your escort’s incall clean. No escort wants to stink up her incall with a sweaty, smelly client. Nor, does she want you tainting her clean sheets, sofa or furniture. Pay attention to your bodily hygiene and offer to take a shower if you must arrive in an unclean state. If you just went to the gym before coming to her incall, fit in a shower before heading out. If you are employed in a physically demanding job, bring a clean set of clothes and ask to use her shower upon your arrival. Keep in mind that grease or dirt on your clothing easily rubs off onto our clothing, furniture and linens. We usually appreciate you messing up our stuff carelessly. If it happens repeatedly, you may find yourself uninvited from our incall.

Overstaying your welcome is a no-no in incall etiquette. We carefully books encounters based on the time we need between clients. We calculate how long it takes me to re-ready the incall and take a shower for the next client. When you don’t abide by the schedule, lingering longer than your slated encounter time period, it puts your us at a distinct disadvantage at preparing for future clients. We will have to hurry and cut corners to get ready, which could leave us in a position where our next client is critical of the state of our incall or my appearance. Not only are you causing us to rush around, but you may be impacting our reputation. We may not forgive a client for causing us to get a bad review or rating during another encounter. Avoid this issue fully by just leaving when it’s your time to go. When we point out that your session is over, pack up and exit quietly and gratefully.

Don’t draw attention to yourself during your arrival or departure. The last thing that we need to do is defend our reputation or tie up loose ends after you’ve interacted excessively with our neighbors. Clients who act disrespectfully, are loud and disruptive or defy our requests for discretion may be banned from incall encounters permanently. Damaging our ability to blend into our neighborhood is uncalled for. Arriving in a suspicious manner, failing to follow instructions (about where to park, which entrance to use, etc.) and just being a jerk may cause us tremendous troubles with others in the area. Cleaning up these issues may get you wiped from our client list.

Put yourself together. I don’t know about most of the ladies in the business but the few that I have asked have all said that when the session is over, slowly start getting yourself together. Meaning, we don’t usually like to hang around completely in the way we came into this world. Reason being is it is our private incall and if anything were to interrupt us on accident or whatever, we would just prefer to not look like we were up to something. Please understand I am trying to be as incognito with this one as possible so you may have to read in between the lines a bit. So when it’s obviously over, please GET DRESSED!! J

Making yourself too much at home is detrimental to your encounter. Any client who roams around our incall, exploring every nook and cranny, is going to be asked to leave or never asked to return. While our incall is open to you, it doesn’t mean that you should nose around the place. Rearranging my furniture or nick-nacks is not what you’re at the incall for. And, messing with things like electronics to set the bass or treble where you think it sounds best is counterproductive to my tastes. My incall is a place for you to temporarily get comfortable in while you enjoy the benefits of my companionship. But, that doesn’t mean you need to take over the place as your own. Leave things alone and just enjoy the company.

Misplacing things in my incall won’t win you any brownie points. Picking up the television remote and absentmindedly putting it down in an inconvenient location (the bathroom, for example) will infuriate us as I look for it after you’re gone. Keep your hands off of our phone, keys, purse or other personal items. And, avoid moving other things around in the incall. If you do use the remote or move other items, let us know where you’ve put them. If we have to contact you after you’ve left to discover that you moved our car keys, we going to be mad.

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