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Most Expensive and Luxurious Brothels in the world

With prostitution legal in many countries of the world, the brothel business has grown exponentially. Brothels do pretty well, even if economic slow downs impact their business. And in good times, they thrive. There are the lower-end, slightly quirky brothels of Amsterdam featuring window prostitutes. And there are the cheap and cheerful, in your face brothels, in places like Thailand, where just about anything goes.

But just like everything else, the brothel business has a distinctly higher end, where luxury and service comes at a price. Only high rollers need apply. Alongside luxury brothels such as Club LV in the Netherlands, a new breed of brothel is springing up. Forget middle aged men. What places like Café Mellenium in San Paolo, Brazil are aiming to do is to draw in young, well-heeled males, who come complete with expense accounts and Gold Cards. This new breed of brothel combines the dance club and brothel, sometimes with retail even thrown in.

Here are 15 high-end brothels from all over the world. And, by the way, they are perfectly legal.

15. Club LV – Amsterdam, Netherlands

Club LV is a high end brothel that claims to be the most famous “sex club” in Amsterdam. It also runs the Lady Valentine “high class” escort service. The décor is modern, the vibe laid back, with a little Asian kinky and gilt thrown in. In a hurry for an escort? Give them a call and they guarantee to have a girl knocking at your door within a half hour. If you want to drop by the place, it has 8 luxury rooms with a tasteful scattering of leopard skin. Rest assured, the place gets very high marks for its discretion. Pity about the expensive drinks. If you are expecting to find pricing information on the website, you would be disappointed. If you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it.

14. Yab Yum – Amsterdam, Netherlands

This is a “watch this space” kind of place. Yab Yum was a luxury brothel that was run from a dignified 17thcentury canal house in Amsterdam, until it was closed in 2008. Seems some laws had been broken. It was purchased by an entrepreneur who in 2013, applied to have the brothel license restored. Not wanting to waste time and money, he re-opened the place as a museum, and settled in to await the decision on the license. Mannequins replace the working girls. Come and see the “original” beds, the bar, and the girls’ medical room. And it’s for hire for your next event. Probably not the kind of place for your wedding reception, though.

13. Gentlemans’s Club Leonardo – Prague, Czech Republic

GC Leonardo resembles an upmarket, modern European hotel, with sleek furnishings and subdued lighting. And it comes with a quality guarantee. Didn’t get what you paid for? They will give you an hour free. They are up front about their rates and charge around $150 an hour. Ask for your VIP Gold Card after your first “service” and get a discount on the next service, meaning your next hour will be a bargain at around $90. Want an escort for 24 hours? That’s around $1800, whether you are a VIP Gold Card holder or not. And did we mention the VIP roof garden? Complete with a hot tub and, presumably lounging ladies.

12. Lush – Marcoola, Australia

Although they are a little vague about what they get up to, this place has “sexy guys” on offer, alongside the hot Sheila’s. The “Premium” 60 minute service is AU$350. Strapped for cash? Try the 20 minute peep show for AU$100. Try the Diamond or Platinum suites on “Cheeky Tuesdays” and get AU$10 off. They say they are the sexy side of the Australian Sunshine Coast. You can lounge on nearby beaches and recover from your Lush experience, and don’t forget to plan your next visit. To help you plan, a roster of ladies is posted every day. Apparently the “guy service” is only available at weekends. We wonder what that’s about.

11. Sheri’s Ranch – Pahrump, Nevada

Sheri’s is the closest legal brothel from Law Vegas. Just in case you are in a hurry. A million miles away from the in-your-face, Hustler-like chain of Nevada brothels run by sextrepreneur Dennis Hof, Sheri’s combines an upmarket brothel with a resort. Apparently, men who would never use a brothel come to take the guided tour of the place. Sure. Anyway, they have useful little illustrations of the services on the website, in case you are not certain what sex looks like. Back in Dennis Hof-land, check out his book, The Art of the Pimp.You might pick up some useful business tips.

10. Bernds Sauna Club – Hennef, Germany

The Germans love their saunas. If they are nude, all the better. And this place is a nude sauna and brothel combined. The ambiance is slightly dated European 1990’s, but with all the girls and all the nudity that surrounds you, you probably won’t notice. Apparently, they dress up for special occasions like Mardi Gras and Christmas. The girls parade around in costumes, until they take them off. But then that’s another story altogether. Tired out from the pools, the sex, and the girls? Try lounging out of doors in their garden. Check out their rewards program. More for less, kind of thing.

9. Pink Palace – Melbourne, Australia

From the outside, this place looks like a small office building, until you spot the neon signs. Inside, you get mixed vibes. The bar and lounge resemble a Victorian men’s club with Persian rugs, velvet sofas, wooden bar and (of course), pool tables. But enter the inner sanctum and you enter a mixed world that combine bordello red and gilt and classic rooms, with a touch of Greek columns thrown in. The best bargain is the 20 minute day shift service at AU$130. At night, expect to pay $260 an hour. As these things go, the 1 hour escort service is a bargain at AU$340. No word on whether taxi fares are included.

8. Paradise – Germany

It started in Stuttgart. And it was so successful, they now are all over Germany. Imagine a chain of brothels. Like Burger King, you are guaranteed the same decor and standards. Welcome to Paradise. Think Moroccan meets casino vibe, and you’ve got Paradise down pretty well. Clients stroll around in wine-colored bathrobes, while the girls cuddle and chat up and negotiate. The place is big, a mega-brothel. Germany only legalized prostitution in 2002, triggering a booming growth in the legal sex trade. And Paradise is there to be legally experienced.

7. Stiletto – Sydney, Australia

This place is opened 24 hours a day and offers an intriguing combination of “style, sex, and theater”. Theater? You can start with the basic Betty Boob room or trade up to a Suite, with an hourly rate of AU$400 (minimum of 3 or 4 hours). Before deciding on your special lady, lounge in your very own private waiting room meet and greet, while a string of lovelies come in to “introduce themselves”. We wonder what they talk about. Or try an escort for a mere AU$650 an hour (including cab fare). The ambiance combines club with modern, sleek lines and just a touch of kinky. Well, it is a brothel.

6. Cafe Millenium – San Paolo, Brazil

Cafe Millenium is part of a new wave of brothel. Think dance club, bar, brothel and shops. It is clean and modern in design, and seeks to pull in young, well-heeled men and their Gold Cards. The bar and lounging area is sleek, with modern leather chairs and gleaming floors. On busy nights, expect hundreds of girls milling about hoping to attract a rich young man and his wallet. And don’t forget the shops, where you can buy sexy lingerie and of course, sex toys. Think of it as sex and retail therapy, combined. Centaurus, the classic Brazilian brothel in Rio de Janeiro, got world-wide attention when Justin Bieber was spotted exiting the place. Maybe he should try Cafe Millenium next time.

5. Harem – Melbourne, Australia

Well, the bad news is that the escorts cost AU$420 an hour. But the standard service at the brothel costs $240 an hour. Oh, fantasy services are available. For a price. The meet and greet areas have a 19th century feel, with lots of wood and gilt. In the individual rooms, there’s lots of gold statues, leopard print and columns, a kind of Roman bath meets cat house kind of feel. If you want to get the lay of the land, they will give you a “private” tour of the place. Harem is, of course, not called a brothel. It’s a “Gentleman’s Club” that has been providing its services to gentlemen, couples and ladies, for over 25 years.

4. Utopia – Bangkok, Thailand

With minimalist designs and clean lines, you could be forgiven for thinking you had stumbled into an upmarket Asian hotel. It’s the super-sized scantily clad “model” pictures everywhere that tell you differently. Some rooms come complete with hot tubs and saunas. Thai’s are big on their “entertainment complexes” and Utopia offers multiple floors with varying services (and costs). Check out the “Model of the Month”, Fah, a 22-year old Thai girl who lists her hobbies as cooking and playing sports.

3. La Belle – Bangkok, Thailand

This is Utopia’s “sister brothel”. Same upmarket hotel vibe over a number of floors, with escalators everywhere and hanging glass chandeliers in the public areas. You will be happy to know that all the girls are cute and friendly. The rooms are sleek and modern and are resplendent with giant murals of girls, with little on save for a hat. Like most Bangkok brothels, there is not much information on pricing or services. But then again, it is Bangkok and we assume that just about anything and everything goes — for a price. They say they are Bangkok’s leading entertainment complex.

2. Ginza Club – Sydney, Australia

Welcome to Sydney’s leading Asian brothel. Australian brothels tend to be more open about pricing than some others, and the presumably superior Gold Service is AU$220. A couple notches up the pricing ladder is the Diamond Service, that tops out at AU$320 an hour. You can play Japanese Emperor in the Japanese room, or play King in the Regal French suite. We are not quite certain what the bed surrounded by a presumably lockable cage is called, but we have some ideas. The girls are Japanese “sexual artists” who offer a “full exotic” service. At Ginza, the themed rooms provide a fantasy element that means fantasy is included in the price. Spa service is extra, though.

1. Penthouse – Sydney, Australia

Another place that will remind you of a sleek, modern hotel. Stroll down Pitt Street in Sydney and spot the discreet unmarked door between Hungry Jack’s and the Vodafone store and you are there. Inside, there is a mild Art Deco feel, with scalloped mirrors and round lines. The rooms have walk-in showers and subdued Art Deco style lighting. The Australians do a pretty good job of upmarket gentlemen’s clubs, and Penthouse is a prime example. The website lets you find your perfect lady by specifying stature, figure, eyes, hair and nationality. A kind of build-your-Barbie kind of exercise.

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